Even in her older days, her mind was still shaped like no other retired lady. She keep her mind sharp, her ideas wild, and her senses free for an elder person.Kindly introducing you, Annetya Lei.

Wizarding World
SEVENTEEN and Dreamcatcher
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Ed.
Motherland Fort Salem
Anime, Manga, Cosplay, Novels, etc.

all rights reserved

Story Lore

once was a writer in the '50s-'60s with such unorthodox brain and breaking the conformity of ladies her year as a biker and a well-known indie novelist after retiring as a REDACTED.on her older days, she then retired and became fully dedicated to her family as a grandmother.one day, her wish of 'becoming pretty like her younger days' came true, like literally came true after taking a photo at a local vintage photo studio. The camera that took her picture flashed the light and turned its subject to be years younger than its original age.now, the old hag is trapped in her 20-year-old body while trying to survive with it, and finding her way to get herself back to her family quickly.

Voice Characteristics

can sense pitch differences?yes!
voice range.C3 (low.) - E5 (high)
voice range type.fem - alto.
voice characteristics.a semi-rough smooth middle-teens clear voice combination of diaphragm and neck; always ends with vibrato. possible to go in a deeper tone with a bolder smooth boyish voice. loud with power. possible with using sharp falsetto.
musical genre association / compatibility.rock, pop, RnB, ballad, white jazz, blues, acoustic, acapella, lo-fi.

ㅤWriting Commissionㅤ

Alternate Universe.
Original Character (OCs).
Character and Reader. *
Fandom OTP. *
Dialog Scripts.

Note :
- Annetya accepts any canon OTP and characters in
2D and 3D (Real Person), with the exception of any real
person ㅤshall ㅤbe ㅤ concealed ㅤits ㅤ identity ㅤ by
privateㅤpublishingㅤsequences/linksㅤinㅤorder ㅤ to
- All copyrights and ownership belongs to the original
ㅤ respective brand/trademark of each characters / verse.

OrdersPrice List
less than 1000 words.IDR 10,000,-
around 1000 to 3000 words.IDR 15,000,- every 1000 words.
3000+ words.IDR 25,000,- every 1000 words addition.
in rush order.+IDR 10,000,- addition.
R18 / NSFW genre+IDR 5,000,- addition

Note :
- All genre exc. sci-fi (limited genre)
- Working progress takes about 1 - 2 weeks, Mon-Sat.
- All packages include free prompt discussions
ㅤ and two times changing prompts/word count.
- Annetya have the right to dismiss the order
ㅤ and will refund all the money.
ㅤ give you any notifications whether the order she
ㅤ work upon will be done, or facing some conditions.

Order XX asked for a 4.000 word fanfic, NSFW prompt,
and normal working hour (not in-rush). So, the receipt
order should be defined and look like this --->


1)ㅤQUANTITY : ㅤ3000 words + 1000 words = 4000 words
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 3000 words :ㅤRp 15.0000,- * 3ㅤ= ㅤRp 45.000,-
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ add. 1000 words on 3000+ㅤㅤㅤ= ㅤRp 25.000,-
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ NSFW Prompt (specify element)ㅤ=ㅤRp 5.000,-
ㅤㅤ ---------------------------------------------------------------ㅤ +
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤTOTAL :ㅤ45.000+25.000+5.000ㅤ= ㅤ Rp 75.000,-

ㅤHow To Order

Step by Step Ordering.
1. Contact Annetya on Twitter via Direct Message.
2. Discuss the prompt, genre, deadline, and word genre (with rates) in the Direct Message.
3. Fill the ordering form sent to you, for your order here to be processed in the commission quota.
4. Annetya will write your name in the log and doing her magic in her writings.
5. Please wait patiently and look upon her tracking order list to see your order's progress.
6. Annetya will send the short fiction based on your details via WRITE.AS link with the tag #AnnetyaWrites.

ㅤReady to Order?

carrd by Eight!